Thursday, March 3, 2011

Canberra Cycle Chic

Well it has finally happened, Canberra is the newest member of the Cycle Chic genre, with the announcement of a Canberra Cycle Chic Website.

City News ,Article
Trish Smith has taken the plunge and started her website, which of course is based on Mikael's Copenhagen Cycle Chic. It will be good to see the many cyclists other than the lycra clad MAMILS (middle aged men in lycra) that seem to be general 'cyclist' you see. Bike Adelaide recently commented on the style of cyclist he saw on his visit to Canberra recently,

'at least 50% of those I saw choose to ride like the rest of the world does - in normal clothes and without a helmet.

Ahhh.. helmets ,can you be Cycle Chic wearing Helmets? ,maybe not but where giving it a go.

Here's some elegant ladies from the original Copenhagen Cycle Chic.

...........and I almost forgot ,there was a time in Canberra when even before Cycle Chic that women and men dressed in normal clothes to go to work. How normal!
Canberra, 1945


ian_rm27 said...
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Anonymous said...

A nice bit of press, and that's coming from a part-time MAMIL as well. I hope I can remember that acronym :)