Monday, November 21, 2011

Unrealistic cycling culture advertising

Several ads in the print media and consumer products  always seem to show a cycling culture that is unrealistic in Australia with many adds continually showing helmet-less riders.
Recipe  Ad.

Cereal Ad.

Real estate Ad.
 ...and who can forget this issue of the In the City last summer :


  1. Just goes to show. People are not stupid. People in battle gear speeding between articulated trucks and parked cars is not the way to create a culture of cycling among normal people.

  2. Nicely spotted! So if we sue these advertisers for false advertising, can we then use the funds to sponsor a legal challenge to the ACT's ridiculous ridiculous helmet legislation?

  3. Nice. How anyone could say that the 2 people on the front of In the City mag are doing anything reckless or dangerous is beyond me. Gotta get rid of our stupid helmet laws!

  4. Message to Chairman of the ACCC:

    Dear Mr Simm,

    Surely this is misleading and deceptive given that we all know Australian cycling is nothing like that portrayed in the images.

    As you know only too well, Mr Chairman, and using ACCC words from the ACCC website, 'there is a very broad provision in the Australian Consumer Law that prohibits conduct by a corporation that is misleading or deceptive, or would be likely to mislead or deceive (us).'

    'It makes no difference whether the business intended to mislead or deceive (us)it is how the conduct of the business affected (our) thoughts and beliefs that matters.'

    'If the overall impression left by an advertisement, promotion, quotation, statement or other representation made by a business creates a misleading impression in (our) mind such as to the price, value or the quality of any goods and services—then the conduct is likely to breach the law.'

    As the consumer regulator, please could you raise this matter wherever it ought to be raised? The ceaseless 'pretense' is so tiremsome.

    Yours sincerely,
    Freedom Cyclist

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